Dungeons and Dragons RPG Classes - Rogue

Rogue Archetypes - Arcane Trickster, Assassin, Burglar, Cutthroat, Duelist, Fixer, Highway Rider, Hitman, Infernal Talismancer, Inquisitive, Investigator, Mastermind, Misfortune Bringer, Odyssean, Phantom, Poisoner of Minds, Scout, Soulknife, Spy, Svirf Scientist, Swashbuckler, Thief, Trapsmith, Whisper.

Base Rogue Stats


Character Levels Overview

    Archetypes for Rogue
  • Arcane Trickster (ph97) - Some rogues enhance their fine-honed skills of stealth and agility with magic, learning tricks of enchantment and illusion. These rogues include pickpockets and burglars, but also pranksters, mischief-makers, and a significant number of adventurers.
  • Assassin (ph97) - You focus your training on the grim art of death. Those who adhere to this archetype are diverse: hired killers, spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed priests trained to exterminate the enemies of their deity. Stealth, poison, and disguise help you eliminate your foes with deadly efficiency.
  • Duelist (mhh44) - The roguish duellist is a lightly armoured combatant who favours quick, precise attacks with a light weapon in each hand. The duellist is murderously effective when fighting one-on-one. The quick, resourceful, and precise duellist may look like an artist, but more often he or she is just another killer for hire—but one with a dashing and lethal sense of style.
  • Fixer (mhh45) - You are a fixer—you make connections between thugs, burglars, trap-smiths and second-story men. You know people, you know where to find what you need, and you know who to pay to get things done. You realize the most valuable currency is knowledge, and you make very sure to be flush with coin to obtain the information you seek.
  • Inquisitive (xge47) - As an archetypal Inquisitive, you excel at rooting out secrets and unravelling mysteries. You rely on your sharp eye for detail, but also on your finely honed ability to read the words and deeds of other creatures to determine their true intent. You excel at defeating creatures that hide among and prey upon ordinary folk, and your mastery of lore and your keen deductions make you well equipped to expose and end hidden evils.
  • Mastermind (xge46) - Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets they have. Many spies, courtiers, and schemers follow this archetype, leading lives of intrigue. Words are your weapons as often as knives or poison, and secrets and favours are some of your favourite treasures.
  • Scout (br199) - You are skilled in stealth and surviving far from the streets of a city, allowing you to scout ahead of your companions during expeditions. Rogues who embrace this archetype are at home in the wilderness and among barbarians and rangers, and many Scouts serve as the eyes and ears of war bands. Ambusher, spy, bounty hunter – these are just a few of the roles that Scouts assume as they range the world.
    You focus your training on travel and exploration. As a scout, you might be a guide, a hunter, a messenger, an explorer, or even a commando in service to an army, sabotaging the enemy encampments while gathering crucial intelligence about their numbers and movements. Being successful as a scout requires speed, sharp senses, and the ability to move unseen and unheard. Mastering these techniques will help you stay alive as you venture ahead into the most dangerous areas.
  • Swashbuckler (xge47) - You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armour, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Duellists and pirates typically belong to this archetype. A Swashbuckler excels in single combat and can fight with two weapons while safely darting away from an opponent.
  • Thief (ph97) - You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. Burglars, bandits, cutpurses, and other criminals typically follow this archetype, but so do rogues who prefer to think of themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and investigators. In addition to improving your agility and stealth, you learn skills useful for delving into ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using magic items you normally couldn’t employ.
  • Whisper (mhh46) - You’ve dedicated your life to the arts of deception, illusion, and disappearing. Somewhere along that path, you encountered something from the Shadow Realm that showed you how to be one with the shadows—or perhaps you learned your best tricks from the shadows themselves. All whispers have been touched by a shadow, performed a ritual to bind a shadow to themselves, or drawn in energy from the Shadow Realm to enhance their stealthiness and to become supreme thieves, assassins, or spies.

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